Sunday, August 31, 2008

Paving Stones - Bricks

Here are a few paving stones I did as a sample for the Dog Park in Deer Park.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Anniversary Gift - Etched Shower Door

This piece I did about 4 years ago for a friend. He wanted to get his wife something different. Here is an etched shower door with their names and wedding date.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Theater Room - Marilyn Monroe

Looking to add some different pieces to my theater room so last week I blasted this Marilyn Monroe silhouette on a 1/4" thick bevelled 24" glass top.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Lone Star - Carved Limestone

One day while playing golf in San Antonio I picked up a couple of limestone rocks. A simple Lone Star raised. Makes a nice piece.

Friday, March 28, 2008

LoneStar Engraving - The Beginning

Welcome to my blog - LoneStar Engraving!

A hobby of a business I started five years ago, I figured I start a blog and post some of my work. Whether I create something just on a whim, or do a piece for someone on request, I will post a picture here.

Anyone interested in having something made for them just let me know. I will work it in.

Egret on shower door was the first for hire project. Doctor in local area was building a boat, more like an ark, and his wife wanted their shower door to have an egret etched in the glass.

Enjoy Life,
